Saturday, August 18, 2012

Acne, puberty and girlfriends

Inflammatory disease of the skin, acne, is that changes in the structure of the skin, so consisty hair follicles and sebaceous glands. Commong during puberty, acne, is a response to changing testosterone hormones organs. Because of the random response body, acne for most people come and go, and in most cases completely dissappear with the passage of time. Length of this time is different for each individual, but is usually in the twenties. There is now a way for medical professionals to predict the line of acne for the individual. And even some people who are affected by many users of acne in later in the thirties and forties.
Although acne is not a requirement to have a very pleasant, because of the large group of those affected by it at some stage of their lives, it has become somewhat socially acceptable if kept under control. "Common acne" is the most common acne, which is the natural result of dead skin cells clog the hair follicles as a product of excessive oil glands of the skin. The oil that are blocked to accumulate under the skin, and provides an ideal environment for bacteria to grow uncontrolably. By the injury which we are accustomed to seeing the lesion is clear that it becomes easy to read that inflame the skin. Most people affected by acne only on their faces, but it should be noted that acne can affect the chest, back and shoulders, and between other parts of the body as well.

Generally, acne should not cause adverse long-term care. If the acne lesions out of control, they can leave scars on the skin is permanently damaged. In general, acne is associated with social impacts such as low self-esteem. Adolescence is a difficult stage of life for most individuals, and persistence of acne with our social schedules do not make it easier.

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