Saturday, August 18, 2012

Andropause and DHEA

Andropause and DHEA are a medical condition and treatment, paving the way for a sustained recovery. And is directly related to the absence of DHEA, known as Dehydroepianodrosterone in the medical community, to sexual dysfunction in men.
Is also referred to erectile dysfunction. Simply, the more DHEA in the body - and the better you are. It acts as a Ayaz - pumping life into various processes such as lower cholesterol, reduce fat, and blood pressure health. DHEA is synonymous with diversity - it simply branches out in all parts of the body as a cleanser and an organizer.

The effects of andropause reduced by using DHEA as a hormonal supplement. Produced in the adrenal glands, Dehydroepianodrosterone is responsible for the production of chemicals that affect growth hormone testosterone in the body. Used as a dietary supplement, DHEA can do wonders for you. Improve memory and ability to build endurance, and increased levels of sexual desire can be restored to the normal man. It is an excellent treatment for men with erectile dysfunction, a common symptom of andropause as well.

There was a lot of tests using DHEA and placebos where libido and erectile function improved significantly in men who use the hormone than those who do not. It was suggested to be associated with low levels of DHEA with the accelerated aging process. Developed by the research efforts to discover more about this hormone, has been associated with helping in weight loss. Tests in mice showed levels of DHEA controlled laboratory obesity. After a brief period, has been associated with many health benefits other.

We must look closely at the amateur bodybuilder part of a system of DHEA supplements. This hormone plays a role in helping to muscle growth (similar to the same speed as other prescription products such as creatine and whey protein), reverse osteoporosis by building stronger bones and strengthening the fabric bone, and the organization of sex hormones in men and women (estrogen and testosterone.) It works on a par with the human growth hormone, another anti-aging given to patients with the andropause in particular.

As mentioned previously, hormones are not synthetic. There derived hormones that are packaged in capsules and pills and sold to the general public to increase the amount of hormones that are already in the body. DHEA production in the adrenal glands is highest during the years of childhood and adolescence, just off the bottom at a later date during middle age. Men produce more of this hormone than women and older people about the age of 65 with the lowest levels for all.

And consumption of harmful substances can block the production of DHEA, such as drinking Sprite, Coca-Cola or other caffeine-packed drinks. Drink a bottle of mineral water and push the Fanta next time! Other things that affect the levels of DHEA in the body is the lack of exercise and stress. Basically, any activity can encourage aging leads to low levels of discharge. Go on this treadmill, release that excess stress, and keep your payments already cut this vital hormone!

The fight against andropause using DHEA hormonal supplement. If you take too much, your body will stop producing the quantity of the natural environment. Perhaps an excess of DHEA rocket testosterone, and amplifying your male features. Not a good idea for women who want to preserve the unique characteristics of women. It is always wise to take appropriate safety precautions when consuming any hormone supplement or drug. Remember, recent studies have shown that high vitamin E can cause heart failure. Have you thought about vitamins and free health care and safe? Think again!

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