Saturday, August 18, 2012

Andropause: fact or fiction?

Women lucky. They always know that at some time in the middle of 40S that it will experience changes in hormone levels that lead to uncomfortable symptoms, and lead to a change of life: menopause. It may seem odd to consider the certainty of menopause in luck, but to be able to speak publicly about the case is a documented medical editing. Women can sympathize with each other, and consult a doctor for help to deal with uncomfortable symptoms. However, men did not have the luxury of receiving assistance for their ailments in middle age. In fact, not andropause or male menopause, on a large scale even before the legitimate medical phenomenon.
There are several reasons for the idea and responded with skepticism Male menopause. First, an event that is more progressive than women after menopause. While a woman is expected to decrease in the levels and a clear and measurable estrogen from quarantine, and testosterone for men begin to decline very gradually than thirty years. Since the passage of hormone occurs in a very different men, and symptoms associated with it are also more progressive. For example, a woman can suddenly be irritable or depressed, and the recognition that there is a change. But the appearance of a man from the symptoms much longer, so you may not realize that it is changing.

Second, andropause is not definitive, such as women after menopause. When estrogen levels are low enough for women, the menstrual cycle stops. She'll be able to have children. The ovaries to produce eggs, the uterus will not be able to maintain the pregnancy. She feels a real change in life: it was transformed from human fertility to the inability to have children. This does not happen with a man. Men still produce enough testosterone in the 80S to be able to have children. And can even if there was a man who can not have sex and ejaculation to impregnate his partner with sperm in the semen remains to be collected and used to fertilize an egg. Perhaps the main reason why scientists discussed the andropause with suspicion is that men do not feel the change of life as far as women are.

It is expected that the three men to be stoic about symptoms. Women's support groups, literature, and medical experts lined up to help change lives. For decades, and are national studies on the benefits and risks of HRT to treat menopause. Women talk, joke about, and complain of symptoms, and discomfort. Men, at the same time, bear the hardship in silence. It is not manly to whine about problems such as weight gain, thinning hair, and difficult to achieve or maintain an erection, insomnia or depression. What the man did not discuss the loss of her sexual desire? Speaking women and men face in silence. The sad thing is, the adjustment is often easier when you do not enter the professional should be sought in public.

Recognition of the fact mentioned menopause is definitely a first step in helping men to adapt to changes that occur in their bodies.

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